It’s taken me until the last day of this crappy year to want to post to this blog. I certainly have plenty of time on my hands and the space to wander about in acres and acres of woods, but the only routine I seem able to stick with is a long walk with the dog every morning.

On our walks, I’m usually chasing my thoughts, working on my well-being while trying to figure out my purpose. Got to focus that monkey mind. So I’ve been trying all sorts of things like meditation, gratitude practice, tapping, breathwork … well, let’s just say I have been learning a little about quite a lot and the list is longer than I want to admit to. I do like learning new things, but I just couldn’t seem to to turn any of these into a daily practice.

Every day, on our walks, my dog is busy chasing and finding his joy. And I’ve finally realized that on our walks, I am beginning the practice of finding my joy too. I’m curious, looking at things, really noticing them, pausing the chatter in my head, and I am present. There is joy in that for me. My daily practice is to stay curious and make sure that my end of year horoscope prediction comes true: you will have more natural access to wonder and amazement and awe than you’ve had in a long time in the upcoming year.
